
Last Updated on : November 23, 2014

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Christadelphian Baptismal Interview

By Bro. Rene Growcott




1. Do you believe that the Christadelphians hold the true teachings of the Bible?

2. Do you know of any other religious body than the Christadelphians who teach the true Gospel?

3. What is the basis of all your beliefs in this matter?

4. What is the Bible?

5. Does the Bible give sufficient guidance to obtain eternal life?

6. Can we get such guidance from any other source?

7. Do you believe that the entire Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God in all its parts?

8. Why do you desire to be baptized?

9. What is baptism? What does the original word mean?

10. Is sprinkling an acceptable substitute in the sight of God?

11. What two things will baptism do for you?

12. Will it do this without knowledge and belief on your part?

13. Can you have eternal life without being united with Christ?

14. Can you be united to Christ without baptism?

15. Is there any actual value in the act itself, or does its value lie in the fact that it is an act of intelligent obedience to divine command?


16. What is it necessary to believe to make baptism scriptural and effective?

17. What is the Gospel?

18. Would it be true to say you believe the Gospel if you do not believe the truth concerning the kingdom?

19. Could you obtain eternal life without believing the Gospel?

20. Could you believe the Gospel without first knowing it?

21. Is this kingdom something present or future?

22. Where is it to be?

23. What will be its extent?

24. What is it to be?

25. When is it to be established?

26. Has this kingdom any relation to anything in the past?

27. To what?

28. With whom does the history of this kingdom begin?

29. How did it begin with him?

30. Who was he?

31. What were the religious beliefs of the people among whom he lived?

32. What happened to Abraham to begin the history of the kingdom of God?

33. What promises were made to him?

34. Were they fulfilled to him?

35. Did the apostles think they had been fulfilled?

36. Will they be fulfilled?

37. When will they be fulfilled?

38. To whom were these promises repeated?

39. What was Jacob's name changed to?

40. How many sons did he have?

41. Tell their history briefly up to their assembly under Moses at Sinai.

42. What happened at Sinai?

43. Then this was the formation of the Kingdom of God over Israel?

44. Was this the fulfillment of the promises?

45. Why not?

46. Was the covenant through Moses conditional or unconditional? (Could its blessings be terminated?)

47. Did the covenant through Moses do away with the covenant to Abraham?

48. Was the covenant to Abraham conditional or unconditional? (Could its blessings ever be terminated, or were they everlasting, once they were inherited?)

49. When did the covenant made with Israel through Moses come to an end?

50. By whom does Paul say the covenant to Abraham and the promises to the fathers were ratified and confirmed and brought into force?

51. Did the Israelites immediately enter Palestine when they left Sinai?

52. Why not?

53. How long did they wander in the wilderness?

54. How many of the adults who left Egypt entered the land?

55. What happened to the rest?

56. Did they remain obedient to God, as they had promised?

57. How did God punish them?

58. How did He deliver them when they repented?

59. This went on for several hundred years -- then what did they ask for?

60. Who was really their king all the time?

61. Were they satisfied to be different from the rest of the world and have God as their king?

62. Who was the last judge in whose time this happened?

63. Did God grant them their request?

64. Did He say it would be good for them, or bring them trouble?

65. Who was the first king? Was he a good king?

66. Who was the next king? Was he a good king?

67. What further step in the revelation of God's plan occurred during David's reign?

68. Did this refer to David's immediate son, Solomon?

69. Did David think it did?

70. Did the writers of the New Testament think it did?

71. To whom did they apply it?

72. How long was this son of David to reign?

73. What does this necessarily imply as regards his nature?

74. Has this promise to David been fulfilled?

75. What was the Hebrew nation waiting for throughout its entire history?

76. Did David realize that the promise made to him referred to this Messiah?

77. Following the reign of David's son, Solomon, what happened to the kingdom?

78. What finally happened to these two kingdoms?

79. Which one was the true continuation of the original kingdom established by God?

80. Did the succession of kings of Judah remain all through in the line of David?

81. Who was the last king of this line?

82. What was told him at the time of the destruction of the kingdom?

83. To whom did this refer?

84. What did the angel tell Mary in this connection when he announced the birth of Christ to her?

85. Was Mary of the direct line of David?

86. Did Mary connect this event with the promise made to Abraham?

87. Did the father of John the Baptist connect the birth of Christ with the promises to Abraham and David?

88. What was the superscription over the cross?

89. When Pilate asked Jesus if he were the king of the Jews, what did Jesus say?

90. Has Abraham yet inherited the world, as Paul says he was promised?

91. Have all nations been blessed?

92. Has Christ sat on David's throne, ruling the house of Jacob for ever?

93. Will these things ever happen?

94. Are any signs given us to indicate when the time of their fulfillment is approaching?

95. What are some of these signs?

96. What is the reward promised to those who accept the Truth and are faithful to it?

97. What must happen to them before the Kingdom can be established?

98. What must happen to the Jews?

99. What position will the mortal nation of the Jews hold in this Kingdom?

99a. What will be the governing center of the Kingdom?

100. What will be the general conditions in this Kingdom?

101. What is the purpose of this Kingdom, in its first stage?

102. How long is this first stage?

103. What will be the events at the end of this stage?

104. What will be the final consummation?


These are things which concern the nature and position of man, and the Purpose of God in Christ as affecting man.

1. What was the purpose of Christ's first advent? (Take away sin)


2. What is sin?

3. How did sin begin?

4. What did God say would happen if Adam disobeyed?

5. What the was result of sin in relation to man's nature?

6. What was the result of sin in relation to man's position before God?

7. What is death?

8. Does any part of man live on after death?

9. Of what was man created? In whose image?

10 What caused the body of dust to live?

11. What was the result called? (What did man become?)

12. Is the term "soul" applied to other creatures than man?

12a. Is there an "immortal" soul?

13. Do other creatures have the breath or spirit of life?

14. Is there any consciousness in death?

15. Apart from a direct act of recreation by God, then, man would at death forever cease to exist, exactly as an animal?

16. Is there any physical difference between men and animals?

17. Does the Bible teach anything about men going to heaven or to a place of torment at death?

18. Does the Bible teach that men ever go to heaven?

19. What is the hell of the Bible? who goes to hell?

20. What was the difference in Adam's nature before and after the fall?

21. Who is the devil of the Bible?

22. When did sin in the flesh begin?

23. What was the mission of Christ in relation of the devil?

24. How did Christ destroy the devil?

25. Is the destruction of the devil completed?

27. In what two ways do we suffer the consequences of Adam's transgression?

28. Apart from our inheritance of a condemned nature, what other claim has death on us?

29. How do we escape from death? (By whom?)

30. Who was Christ?

31. What was the manner of his birth?

32. Was Joseph his father?

33. Did he exist as a person before his birth?

34. What was it that DID exist that was made flesh in the person of Christ?

35. How many Gods are there?

36. What is the Holy Spirit?

37. Is it a separate person?

38. Was Christ a man?

39. Was his nature any different from ours?

40. Did he ever sin?

41. Could he have sinned?

42. Was he born of the same sinful flesh as we are?

43. Could he have destroyed the devil in his death if he had not been of our nature?

44. Could he justly have suffered the condemnation due to human nature, if he had not been himself of human nature under condemnation?

45. Therefore you see the necessity of understanding and believing that Christ -- though personally sinless -- was a man possessing the same sinful flesh that we inherit from Adam?

46. And you see that Christ did not suffer as a substitute FOR us, but as a representative OF us?
It is very important to understand that the death of Christ was not to appease God's wrath or to pay some debt instead of its, it was:

1. To demonstrate the penalty that was justly due to the whole race,

2. To provide a basis for reconciliation in which the requirements of God's righteousness were fully recognized and brought into prominence

3. To provide the greatest possible demonstration of God's love in giving His own Son, that we might be drawn to love Him in return, and

4. To illustrate what a hateful and deadly thing sin is in the sight of God, that such a terrible price was necessary to atone for it.


47. Did Christ himself benefit from his own death?

48. In what way?

49. What happened to him after he died?

50. What is his nature now?

51. Where is he?

52. What does he do In heaven?

53. Does he mediate for the whole world?

54. For whom does he mediate?

55. Who are his people?

56. What is the purpose of his mediation?

57. What must we do to get him to mediate for us?

58. Besides confession and asking forgiveness, what other things form the subject of prayer?

59. Would it be possible to get eternal life without continual recourse to prayer?

60. Would it be possible to get eternal life without regular study and meditation upon God's Word?

61. Will all be saved who believe and are baptized?

62. What else is necessary?

63. When will the separation between the accepted and the rejected occur? (Return of Christ.)

64. How will the two classes be dealt with?

65. What must happen to the dead before the judgment can take place?

66. Will the righteous be immortal when they come out of the grave?

67. Why couldn't they be?

68. Will all the dead who have ever lived stand before Christ for judgment?

69. Who will?

70. What makes a person responsible?

71. Will the wicked be tormented forever?

72. What happens to those who die without becoming responsible to God?

73. When and how will the world be converted to righteousness?

74. Do the Scriptures give us any reason to expect that any large numbers will accept the Truth at the present?

75. When you take on the Name of Christ in baptism, what responsibilities devolve on you as to your time and efforts and attentions?

76. After baptism, does your life belong to you?

77. What percentage of your life does God require?

78. Besides baptism, what other ordinance are we commanded to keep?

79. On what day, and how often, was it the apostles' custom to keep this ordinance?

80. What originally happened on that day of the week to make it the most appropriate time for the ordinance?

81. What is our duty in relation to any among us who deny first principles of the Truth, or who persist in conduct contrary to the commands of Christ?

82. What is our duty as to association with the world?

83. You realize, then, that Christ's brethren and sisters are entirely separate from the world and must keep this position clear at all times as their first duty?

84. Have you fully considered all the present disadvantages -- from a natural point of view -- that the Truth will bring upon you?

83. You realize that it is not just a religion as the world considers religions, but an entirely different way of life in all things?

84. And you are convinced that what is to be gained far outweighs anything that may have to be suffered or foregone at the present time?

85. And you are prepared to the best of your ability to follow the course that faithfulness may require, whatever the present consequences may be?


1. What is the Scriptural position in relation to clubs, lodges, secret societies, etc.?

2. Unions? (activity -- membership).

3. What do the Scriptures say concerning whom we may marry?

4. Is divorce permissible?

5. If one breaks God's law and gets a divorce, can he remarry?

6. What teachings of Scripture bear on the use of tobacco?

7. What teachings of Scripture bear on going to theatres, dance halls, sport exhibitions, baseball games, etc.?

8. Is it Scriptural to go to law against another?

9. What is the position of the wife in relation to her husband?

10. What is the positions of sisters in meetings?

11. What is she required to do as a sign of subjection?

12. What is the Scriptural teaching concerning dress, personal adornment, cosmetics, painted nails and faces?

13. What is our position concerning seeking the citizenship of any worldly country?

14. Is the "Evolution" Theory in harmony with Scripture Truth?

15. Is baby sprinkling Scriptural?

16. Who are the angels, and what is their purpose?

17. What is their nature?

18. Does anyone possess the power of the Holy Spirit today?

19. What Is the teaching of Scripture concerning oaths? (Matt. 5:34-37, Jm. 5:12).

20. What will happen to the Jews when Christ returns?
21. What position will the mortal Jewish nation hold during the Millennium?

22. Once you have put on the Name of Christ, is it possible after that to lose salvation and be rejected?

23. What is necessary to make our "calling and election sure"?


Adam Sentence
  Water value?
  wholly inspired
Breaking Bread
 Day; how often?
 Abraham (now)
 Moses (past)
Dancing, Cards
Death State
Destiny Wicked
 Place of reward

Law of Moses
Laws of Man
Marriage-in Lord
 Alien courtship
 Length life
 Curse earth
 Justice, etc.
Non-com Service
Only one way
 Abraham, I, J
  Seed bless
  Possess land

Force, Use of
Gospel-K & N
Holy Spirit
 In Heaven
 Present Work
 Return Jews-return
Place in Kingdom
 2 parts-join
 Literal earth  Worldwide
Knowledge neces.
Law, Going to 

David-seed rl
 Mary-thrn frv
 Love of God
 Rightns of God
Reward-Et Life
Salvation Cond
Separation World
Signs of Times
Sin in the Flesh
Soul-man, animal
Spirit-man, animal
Theatres, Ball gins
Voting Women-position
 2 reasons


