

Last Updated on : October 11, 2014

A little history about the Antipas Web Site


We have become so accustomed to computers and electronic media, that few people recognize what an monumental accomplishment the Antipas site was. The original Antipas site was loving compiled by bro. Julio and sis. Kim Scaramastro, at a time when the Internet was in its infancy. Before Christadelphian writings were in any electronic format, they were among the first to make the pioneer writings available on-line. Books were literally disassembled, scanned page by page, put through optical character recognition, proof read, posted to web pages and then the books were diligently rebound. The site represents hours and hours of man power. Their simple goal was to have the writings of the pioneer brethren, hymns, bible readings, and exhortations available for all Christadelphians. [The ealiest copy of the site we have is dated January 1993 but we believe the site was started nearly 2 years earlier]

Neither Julio or Kim dreamed that the Internet could become world-wide.¾ Nor did they expect the site to be of interest to anyone outside of the Christadelphians. Imagine for a moment, telling either one of them 10 years ago, that people from around the world would access the Internet from a cell phone?

They were not with us to see the information age explode into the global phenomenon it is today. They are asleep, awaiting the return of our Lord and Master.

Julio and Kim intended, that the site continue to stand as witness to the Truth, as contained in the Scriptures, taught by the Apostles, and expounded upon by the pioneer Christadelphians until our Lord's return and beyond.

God willing, we will continue to maintain and improve this site.

brother¾ Dennis and sister Marie Davis


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