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Daily Bible Reading Charts


The Bible is the most valuable book in the world because it is God's revelation of Himself and His purpose. But to discover its full message systematic reading is essential and this plan, devised by Robert Roberts more than a hundred years ago, enables one, in less than half an hour each day, to read in a year the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice.Such a method of regular reading unfolds for the reader the sad origin of death, the fascinating history of God's dealings with man, the absorbing development of prophetic vision, and, what is most important, the rewarding revelation of Jesus as the way to eternal life. Thus "the Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation".
Many thousands of Bible students throughout the world have joined in Bible reading according to this plan, and have found it a source of inspiration, strength and comfort.

January Reading Chart February Reading Chart
March Reading Chart April Reading Chart
May Reading Chart June Reading Chart
July Reading Chart August Reading Chart
September Reading Chart October Reading Chart
November Reading Chart December Reading Chart

Bible Companion The readings for the year

Last update November 30, 2014