
Last Updated on :
Saturday, November 22, 2014


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Search Me O God
By Bro. G.V. "Rene" Growcott


Stick with it! Keep the mind fixed. Do not let the flesh sidetrack or divert. Set the one great Goal before you, and eliminate everything else from your interest or your attention. There will be plenty of scope WITHIN that Goal for all necessary attention and diversity. Do not be concerned about how much you accomplish. Do not be concerned about how well you do. Our very most and best is nothing in God's sight: it is the DESIRE and effort that matters. DO be concerned -- very concerned -- about how great and strong your desire is: pray fervently that it be constantly increased. A fervent, singleminded desire for God is God's greatest blessing: from it all other joys and blessings flow. DO be concerned about a wandering mind, a wavering attention, a weak and easily distracted persistence. These are warning signs of weak faith, weak love, weak comprehension of the beauties of God and the glories of eternity -- childish signs that we are neglecting our homework. The only cure is MUCH prayerful meditation devoted to the Word. If we are not prepared to shape our lives and affairs so that THIS is life's central factor, then God and eternity are not for us.


