
Last Updated on :
Saturday, November 22, 2014


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Search Me O God
By Bro. G.V. "Rene" Growcott



We should not be interested in peddling crotchets. The Truth was settled among us long ago to the satisfaction of the sound and stable, including the basic meaning and interpretation of the book of Revelation. We hold fast to the orginal sound Christadelphian principles of doctrine and fellowship, desiring neither to add new tests of fellowship, nor to abandon old ones. We have no sympathy with the welter of modern speculations and speculators who do not comprehend the value of the sound foundation laid. Let those who revel in "some new thing" seek the company of the pagan Athenians. We are very happy and encouraged to learn, from considerable spontaneous correspondence, that -- in the general declension -- there are still many who are of the same mind: deeply troubled at present trends. May God guide each one into all truth.

