1 Zion's King shall reign victorious,
All the earth shall own his sway;
He will make his Kingdom glorious;
He will reign through endless day.
What though none on earth assist him!
God requires not help from man;
What though all the world resist him!
God will realize His plan.
2 Nations now from God estranged
Then shall see a glorious light
Night to day shall then be changed,
Saints shall triumph in the sight.
See all worldly idols falling!
Worshipped once, but now abhorred;
Men on Zion's King are calling;
Zion's King by all adored.
3 Then shall Israel, long dispersed,
Mourning seek the Lord their God,
Look on him whom once they pierced,
Own and kiss the chast'ning rod;
Then all Israel shall be saved,
War and tumult then shall cease,
While the greater Son of David
Rules a conquered world in peace.