Green Hymnbook
1. A Great High Priest is come
Who stands in Aaron's place;
Who, honouring the law,
Established life and grace:
The law through Moses' service came,
But grace and truth by Jesus' name.
2 He once temptation knew,
That he might truly find
A fellow-feeling true
With every tempted mind:
In every point our Head was tried
Like us, and then for us he died.
3 He died, but lives alway,
And in the holy stands
To plead for saints who pray,
To hold up failing hands:
Our advocate abides in heav 'n
That erring saints may be forgiv'n.
4 We other priests deny,
And laws, and offerings too
None but the Priest on high
The mighty work can do:
Through him, then, all our praise be giv'n,
Who pleads his household's cause in heav'n.
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