1. O God whose voice of thunder,
Once made the earth to shake;
And Israel at the mountain,
In awe did fear and quake;
We, outcasts once and strangers,
With boldness seek Thy face;
For we have come to know Thee,
The Living God of grace.
2. We come to Thee through Jesus,
Who as the Word made flesh,
Revealed to men Thy glory,
Proclaimed Thy righteousness;
Who in the act of dying,
Has now prepared the place,
Where men rejoice in mercy
And come to know Thy grace.
3. We have received the fulness:
The riches of Thy grace,
As sinners counted righteous,
A new and living race!
O God of grace we praise Thee,
Accept the praise we bring,
And grant that in Thy kingdom
We may Thy praises sing.