Lift up to God the voice of praise,
Swell high your grateful song;
Loud and more loud the anthem raise,
Loud and more loud the anthem raise,
Your notes of joy prolong.
2 Lift up to God the voice of praise;
Extol and bless His Name-
Who gives you life and length of days,
Who gives you life and length of days
His mercies to proclaim .
3 Lift up to God the voice of praise,
Whose goodness, passing thought,
Loads every minute, as it flies,
Loads every minute, as it flies,
With benefits unsought.
4 Lift up to God the voice of praise
For His revealed word:
His will and purpose,and His ways,
His will and purpose,and His ways,
They all are in accord.
5 Lift up to God the voice of praise
For His dear Son, our Lord;
And for the hope of endless days,
And for the hope of endless days,
As promised in His word.