logoGreen Hymnbook

Hymn 342

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1 Christian, ever faithful be:
Thou shalt gain the victory;
Faithful to God's holy cause,
Faithful to His righteous laws.
2 Thou hast trials great and strong
For a moment, not for long;
Trust in Jesus-great or small,
He will bring thee through them all.
3 Be thou faithful when most tried:
Leave not then the Master's side;
In temptation's fiercest hour
Thou shalt prove his saving power.
4 If in pain you suffer here,
And much anguish have to bear,
Hold in faith to Christ your Lord;
He'll the needful strength afford.
5 When in sorrow's darkest hour
Trust in God's almighty power:
Christian, ever, faithful be;
Thou shalt gain the victory.

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Hymn list--green book

Last Updated on : Sunday, November 30, 2014