
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014






Chapter 8

Thoroughness In All Things


ūGod requires from His children an all-round obedience. All His commands are equally binding There is to be no picking and choosing, no carefulness in one direction, and carelessness in another. There must be a genuine endeavour to fulfill God's will in ways disagreeable as well as agreeable. Covetousness has to be eschewed, but evil speaking quite as much so. We have to be honest, but also chaste. Let us take care lest our good points blind our eyes to our bad ones. We are not safe, not acceptable to Christ, unless we show a general all-round thoroughness, avoiding exceptions and reservations. This thought will bear unlimited amplification. To take one or two illustrations. No amount of zeal and activity in the public proclamation of the Truth will exempt us from the obligation of enlightening and rearing our own children in the fear of Gad. No amount of warm love and amiability towards the brethren at the meetings will excuse coldness and churlishness with our own kith and kin at home. No amount of time spent at committee meetings will justify neglect of our daily readings. God's law is very searching; it leaves no corner of our mental nature untouched. It takes away all ground for spiritual swagger. Great is the man who can discern his own weaknesses, and has pluck enough to grapple with them. --A.T.J.


With the anointing of the Lord's head and feet by Mary, John records "the house was filled with the odour of the ointment". Faithful and loving service will have this effect any time. Let a sister figuratively perform similar service in Christ's Name, and the odour of the action will till the ecclesial house .



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