
Last Updated on : Saturday, October 11, 2014






Chapter 5

At Home As A Wife




A Sister-wife should acquire the power of self-sustenance in the truth. Not in order that she may shake herself free from her husband's influence and set up on her own behalf, but in order that she may fully come to realize in the privations incident to her position, that help, encouragement and happiness, which the conjugal relation was designed to yield, but which it may fail at all times to give.

To attain the necessary degree of self-sustenance, we must remember that the highest object of life is to please Him who has called us to be saints: perfecting holiness in ourselves through the fear and love and obedience of Him. The sister married in the Lord, has her part to perform, and frequently an arduous and onerous one. She requires to be strengthened inwardly to sustain her in the discharge of it.

If she depends too much upon her husband, she runs the risk of disappointment; and whatever disappoints, is a hindrance and source of weakness, and must be avoided, if at all possible. She loves her husband, and desires his company. He loves his wife, and desires her welfare in all things. It would be his choice to spend his leisure time with her; but, the claims of duty he cannot disregard: and these frequently call him from her side. The necessity of growing in the truth also requires him to withdraw himself sometimes for study. Now, let not the sister who has to forego ordinary home pleasure for the truth's sake, imagine that she is in a special degree aggrieved. The experience of the sisterhood generally in this respect, will be in many instances similar to her own. The problem to be solved is, how so to deport herself in the evil inevitably attendant upon this state of trial, as to secure the blessing of the age to come.

She may in many ways be called upon to forego much that she might legitimately claim as her right and privilege. Her husband's faithfulness to the truth, may decide him on courses that will deprive himself in many respects, and in this he expects, and is entitled to realise, that his wife as a daughter of the same Father will be able to join him. It will be well for her, and for her husband, if this is the case. It may bring deprivations and bitterness in some directions, but let her remember for whose sake she is called upon thus to suffer, not forgetting his promise and abundant reward in the future, if the cross is willingly borne now.

Even if she thinks her husband extreme in his actions, and finds sometimes that his readiness to serve, and liberality in the truth, deprives her of the opportunities she might wish of showing spontaneity in the same direction, let her be comforted with the thought that in his labours and service and sacrifice for the truth, she is a sharer and co-labourer if she readily and unmurmuringly bear the share of disadvantage such service may bring to her, and that in the end she will share the reward of faithful stewardship which her husband seeks to earn by his devotion now.

It is very necessary that a sister-wife should cultivate the powers of self-sustenance in the truth. When she has attained this, she will find herself in the possession of a powerful protection against the disappointments incident to a husband's absence from home, or his occupation when at home to her apparent neglect. It will enable her to bear up with cheerful countenance and hopeful heart, when her immediate surroundings are not such as might inspire that frame of mind. It will be a great help to herself and an aid to her husband and often supply the first links in the chain that will lead to profitable and happy re-union at the end of a day's toil on both sides.-Jane Roberts



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