
Last Updated on :
Saturday, November 22, 2014


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Search Me O God
By Bro. G.V. "Rene" Growcott



Tell a man that man's most intricate computer "just happened" by a heap of nuts and bolts falling into a pile yesterday, and he'll say you are mad; and he will be right. Tell a man that a worm's brain (which is infinitely more intricate and wonderful than man's most advanced computer) "just happened" by a few bits of nothing falling together one hundred billion years or so ago, and he'll say you are an educated modern scientist; and he will be right again. Tell him that if he can believe THAT he is safely over the hump out of rationality and reality into evolutionary fantasy and superstition, and he can believe it about the vast and glorious Universe of God's wisdom and power. "His eternal power and divinity are CLEARLY SEEN from the Creation of the world, by the things that are made, so that they are WITHOUT excuse" (Rom. 1:20). That's GOD's viewpoint, and it's pre-eminently reasonable.


